20 Things Prospective Nurses Need to Know

Have you been thinking about becoming a nurse? It’s become a popular career choice, especially since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Surveys showed that, despite the challenges introduced by the pandemic, nursing school admissions surged by almost 6% in 2020. But, what’s important to know before making this big step?  This article will discuss … Keep Reading

What is the HESI Exam and How to Prepare?

​​The HESI is a set of standardized, computer-based tests taken by prospective and current nursing students. The HESI A2 is an entrance exam, and the other test is the HESI Exit Exam. Of course, it is no surprise that high-stakes tests like these can cause a lot of anxiety. However, upon completing these exams, it … Keep Reading

What are Clinicals in Nursing School? What to Expect

Clinicals are the most exciting and most terrifying part of nursing school. You will be taking care of real patients with real medical issues, in real life. Of course, you will have guidance and help every step of the way, but this is your chance to practice being a nurse before becoming a nurse. Nursing … Keep Reading

Can You Work While in Nursing School? Here’s how!

Most schools will tell you that it is impossible to work while in nursing school. But is that true? Many students need to work during school, whether to pay for classes, support their family members, or continue to support themselves – they have responsibilities that persist throughout the duration of the program. It’s estimated that … Keep Reading

FAQs: MSN Capstone

We know pursuing your MSN can be stressful, and we get a lot of questions about the MSN Capstone. Don’t worry! Here’s everything you need to know. What is a Capstone project?  The Capstone is an individualized research project on a nursing topic of your professional or personal interest. Capstones provide you the opportunity to … Keep Reading

FAQs: New Student Orientation

What is the New Student Orientation? The New Student Orientation course is designed to help orient you to the Aspen University online classroom. You will gain access to the New Student Orientation classroom once you’ve registered for your first course. Your orientation will consist of two parts; the self-guided portion and a one-on-one phone call … Keep Reading